Retirement: Is the best yet to come?
There are few other events that change your life as profoundly as your upcoming retirement. A long professional career is nearing its end.
What will you miss most? Your professional status, your power, your privileges? Or is it the appreciation of your colleagues, your staff, your clients, your business partners? What will be your professional legacy? Who will you be, when you don’t work anymore?
Topics we can talk about are for example
- What is your new identity going to be?
- What meaning will you give your new life?
- How do you deal with your grief about the end of your professional career?
- How do you want to recreate your partnership?
- Which wishes, dreams and goals do you still want to accomplish?
Contact me for an orientation interview:
I have written a book about this topic: "Ruhestand - Sich NEU finden". You can get more information at: Coaching Bücher. However, currently this book is only available in German.
Barbara Stieghan